SINCERE (Seniors Inclusion via Entrepreneurship and Return to Employment)
The Task 1: Preparation of the collaboration phase.
The project group discussed potential differences in reskilling/reskilling/reskilling in their countries and evaluated possible avenues.
The planned tasks in this context which have been finished are:
A shared vision of unemployed seniors situation in our respective countries
A shared vision of why the participating organisations are deeply engaged in reskilling populations in difficultyements, trainees profile, post-training opportunities
A report summarizing unemployed seniors situation, existing initiatives to requalify them, lessons to be learnt from the 3 partners experiments and training programs regarding the target population.
A very clear definition of objectives and deliverables
A common grid of analysis of participants past experiments around seniors' reskilling
A shared database of training programs el
The Task 2: Design and preparation
During this activity the partners will design a training program including what they consider like being all the value chain of their mutual initiatives.
They won't only focus on the program pedagogic aspects but also on upstream and downstream stages as they both consider a successfull training program, especially for unemployed people, starts from selection till access to the targeted job.
The planned tasks in this context which have been finished are:
A model for sourcing : how to inform and attract the target population
A model for analysing seniors' candidatures to reskilling (selection): assessment of potential of requalifying, selection of profiles
A pedagogic proposal on seniors' digital and technologic skills acquisitions potential: priorities, diffculties, andragogy strategy
A training program to help to the creation of an individual activity for seniors or to develop sense of independence
A training program with interactions between trainees from different countries, exchange of trainers, mobility possibilities
A base for being ECVET system compliants
Programs modules to include within partners existing programs
Digital tools to facilitate learning from different European countries
An analysis method for post training activity
The Task 3: Implementation of activities
The partners implement the program they have designed in their training activity and run the training program designed for the project.
The planned tasks in this context which have been finished are:
Implementation of sourcing methods to ensure no discrimination and profiles relevance: interactions with comparable local stakeholders, employment agencies, employers' unions
Sharing of attractivity effect of new approach on candidates
Use of digital tools and learning methods to complement our physical activities
Sharing of contents/tools and/or teachers according to program design (activity 2)
Train the trainers in each country and identify trainers with mobility potential or distance learning possibilities (language proficiency)
Helping candidates choose a career path
The Task 4: Follow-up, evaluation and Communication
The planned tasks in this context which have been finished are:
Disseminate project activities and results at national level and contribute to European dissemination.
Publish information about the project on its own website and on social media.
Change the perception of employment opportunities for older people and their positive impact on value creation.
Communicate the initiative to our corporate partners so that it is passed on.
Encourage other training organisations to join the process.
Launch of other sessions after the project